September 19 - 27, 2020
There are a variety of ways that you can get involved in this year’s National Coaches Week, September 19 - September 27! Sport Manitoba Coaching has put together a great line up of in-person and online engagement opportunities for coaches across Manitoba.
The more you participate, the more chances you have of winning prizes, gift cards valued between $25-$100, and National Coaches Week swag!
Respect in Sport Certification/Re-certification
Haven’t taken Respect in Sport yet? Need to re-certify? Complete this task over National Coaches Week and you’ll be entered to win a prize!
Free NCCP/Non-NCCP Online Courses & Sessions
FREE NCCP/Non-NCCP courses and sessions will be hosted at various times throughout the week. Each session has its own prize pack and limited spots are available! Email Bree.Langlais@sportmanitoba.ca to secure your spot.
Sunday, Sept. 20 from 6 pm-10 pm – NCCP Make Ethical Decisions
Monday, Sept. 21 from 6 pm-9 pm – NCCP Leading Drug-Free Sport
Wednesday, Sept. 23 from 10 am-11:30 am – For PSO’s – Supporting Your Coaches!
Wednesday, Sept. 23 from 5 pm-9:30 pm – NCCP Managing Conflict
Sunday, Sept. 27 from 9 am-1 pm – NCCP Managing a Sport Program
E-Learning Opportunities: The Locker
E-learning opportunities will be available through the Coaching Association of Canada’s ‘The Locker’ from September 19 - September 27 at no charge. Once you have completed an e-learning module, email Bree.Langlais@sportmanitoba.ca to be entered into a prize draw!
NCCP Coach Initiation Sport https://thelocker.coach.ca/onlinelearning#CIS-E
NCCP Coaching Athletes with a Disability https://thelocker.coach.ca/onlinelearning#CAWAD-E
NCCP Making Headway in Sport https://thelocker.coach.ca/onlinelearning#MHW
NCCP Emergency Action Plan https://thelocker.coach.ca/onlinelearning#EAP-E
NCCP Nutrition https://thelocker.coach.ca/onlinelearning#SN-E
NCCP Safe Sport Training https://thelocker.coach.ca/onlinelearning#SS
In-Person Sessions
FREE NCCP/Non-NCCP sessions will be hosted in-person at the Sport Manitoba facility (145 Pacific Ave.) in Winnipeg. Safety measures will be in place to promote physical distancing and hand hygiene. Each session has its own prize pack and limited spots are available! Email Bree.Langlais@sportmanitoba.ca to secure your spot.
Sunday, Sept. 20 from 9 am-12:30 pm – Basic Taping
Monday, Sept. 21 from 9 am-4:30 pm – NCCP Mentorship
Friday, Sept. 25 from 5:00 pm – 7pm – Leadership Philosophy Sharing Circle & Traditional Games hosted by MASRC
Saturday, Sept. 26 from 9 am-4 pm – Aboriginal Coaching Module hosted by MASRC
#ThanksCoach #MerciCoach Social Media Campaign
Do you have Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook? If you do, now is the time to say#ThanksCoachfrom a distance!
Through your personal social media account, post a picture, make a video, or write a nice message about a coach who has positively impacted your life - ask your teams and athletes to share too! Hashtag #ThanksCoach and/or #MerciCoach and tag @SportManitoba on Twitter and Instagram or @SportMB on Facebook and you’ll be entered into our social media draw.
From September 21-26, the Paul Robson Resource Centre for Leadership and Coaching on the second floor of the Sport Manitoba facility at 145 Pacific Avenue will be a place where #ThanksCoach videos can be filmed. Safety measures will be in place to promote physical distancing and hand hygiene, and pre-packaged cookies will be available for each person who comes and films their video!
If you have any questions, come by or contact Sport Manitoba Coaching at 204-925-5692 or coaching@sportmanitoba.ca